James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688



Science Faculty

The Science Faculty at James Fallon High School delivers the Science syllabus in a way that allows students to develop as independent learners in a rich and dynamic context with excellent facilities.

Why learn Science?

The question often asked is why do we have to do Science? Science is studied so that students can:

  • Understand the world around us
  • Understand the role of Science in our society
  • Develop skills of planning and conducting investigations, gathering information and evaluating their findings
  • Act responsibly when using scientific equipment and applying scientific knowledge.

From their experiences in Science, students

  • Predict, analyse, test, evaluate and respond to ideas to confirm, challenge or modify their interpretations
  • Have opportunities to learn through talking, listening, reading, viewing, drawing, making, enacting, experimenting and modelling


Stage 4 and 5

The Year 8 – 10 course challenges students to develop their knowledge and skills and encourages students to explore career opportunities in agriculture and related industries.

Students studying Agricultural Technology investigate a range of enterprises which are conducted on the school farm. These enterprises include:

  • Beef cattle
  • Prime lamb production
  • Layer chickens
  • Fruit & vegetable production
  • Extensive cropping

Stage 6

Primary Industries, a Vocational Education & Training (VET) course is offered in Years 11 & 12. This course allows students to develop specific technical and vocational competencies related to work and employment in the primary industries sector. An important part of this course is the requirement to spend two weeks in a relevant industry sector undertaking work placement.

Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
  • Physics.

In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.