James Fallon High School is a comprehensive 7–12 high school of approximately 760 students in Albury. It caters to a diverse enrolment, including approximately 18% Aboriginal students. The school receives equity funding to support students from low socio-economic backgrounds, Aboriginal and English Learning students, and for students requiring low-level disability adjustments. The school's Family and Occupation Index has increased from 128 to 141 in the last two years, indicating an increase in need for resourcing support for its students.
Funding is used in engaging teachers and leaders in engaging learners in distinct and varied ways. These include enriching opportunities for diverse learners, engaging culturally appropriate support, expanding well-being provision, and providing specific links to partnerships in the community for students and their families. The school has been fortunate to receive a Fair Education grant to develop a wellbeing hub over the next three years.
The school offers a broad curriculum and a range of student wellbeing, leadership, academic and co-curricular initiatives, including a Special Education Faculty. The school is committed to Positive Behaviour for Learning.
The school community embraced the consultation and embedding phases of the plan, and look forward to further actions to achieve the schools identified improvement measures in the 2021–2024 School Improvement Plan. The school is a Big Picture school with an Academy of 53 students. It has a highly skilled and innovative Creative and Performing Arts faculty, which has provided outstanding opportunities for students.
The school possesses strengths in the areas of collaborative professional learning, strategic partnerships within the Albury educational community, and support for student learning. The staff possess a broad range of experiences and skills, and are enthusiastic about authentic school innovation to improve learning outcomes for students.
The school is proud of the challenges it has faced, especially as a border school during state restrictions as a consequence of COVID 19 restrictions. During the remote learning period, several processes were reviewed and refined, in order to better support all learners and their families. These included increased contact with families, upskilling in technology, developing better systems for communication, and streamlining operations such as reporting, compliance, and health care. During the remote learning period in 2020 several processes were reviewed and refined in order to meet teaching and learning challenges and to better support all learners and their families. These included increased contact with families, upskilling in technology, developing better systems for communication, and streamlining operations such as reporting, compliance, and health care. These processes continue to be refined to ensure quality systems are in place in all areas of the school.
Our school is committed to student growth and attainment in their learning. Student wellbeing and engagement including attendance, supportive high expectations classrooms, and cultural inclusion are foundational to student learning in our context. Underpinning student achievement is our professionals: the improvement they make to their practice, and their collaboration in the workplace. The school is committed to the agreed system targets, and the contextual, qualitative outcomes that sit within the school excellence framework. The school has undergone two External Validation processes, and respects the process of analysing evidence and self-reflection in validating its journey toward school excellence. The school has appreciated support from a Safeguarding Kids review, and will undergo a self-selected School Development Review in 2021.
Page last updated: 29/06/2022