James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Year 10 English

Year 10 English 

Throughout Year 10 students complete a range of units to help prepare them for their Senior studies. Through the close study of poets from a range of diverse backgrounds, students come to appreciate how the personal, social and historical context of a poet can inform the the subject and craftsmanship of their work. In addition, Year 10 complete a close study of a novel examining elements such as plot, character, theme, structure and language techniques, and the way the novelist uses these to create meaning. Students continue to students explore Shakspeare by conducting a close study of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth, particularly focusing on how the play has been interpreted and reimagined over time. Furthermore, students will read at least one novel of their own choosing as part of a Wide Reading unit, explore the concept of 'coming of age' and examine how the truth can be presented and represnted in documentaries and the media.

Year 10 English Teachers (2021) 

10ENG3 10ENG4 10ENG5 
Mrs. Vigar Mr. Demarzo Ms. Antill/Mr. Heron Mr. Donnelly Ms. Dominguez

Unit Outline & Assessment Overview (2021) 

Assessment Information 

Assessment information for students in Year 10 will be provided to students in class and through the Compass learning portal. Students can also view the Year 10 Assessment Schedule by clicking here.

NESA Syllabus Information 

Click here to access the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) English syllabus documentation.

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