James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688



The Career Centre’s mission is to furnish an environment with resources, guidance and assistance that will allow every student the opportunity to increase their understanding and appreciation for a diverse world of college and career alternatives. In the course of examination, inquiries and evaluation, our students will gain knowledge of the skills essential to developing long term educational and professional aspirations.

The school has a well stocked Careers Reference Room. Students and parents may visit the room at anytime. The Careers Adviser, Mr Taylor is involved in teaching programs in Years 9 & 10, organises the Work Experience Programs in Years 9, 10, 11 and spends a considerable amount of time advising individual students and parents.

Mr Taylor has accurate and current information about career opportunities and entry to Universities, Private Colleges, TAFE Institutes and the general workforce.

James Fallon Careers Website: For the most up-to-date information from the Careers faculty, parents and students should see the James Fallon Careers website at jamesfalloncareers.com, which is regularly updated by the Careers Adviser.

Career Alerts: Parents and students are invited to receive Career Alerts daily via your school email address. Simply complete the form on the front page of the James Fallon Careers website. Subscription is free and you may remove your address whenever you wish. Career Alerts can also be viewed on the Careers Noticeboard. Past alert notices are available.

Careers Newsletter: Regularly throughout the year a Careers Newsletter is published. To view the newsletters, visit the newsletter page on the James Fallon Careers website here.

Email: Hamish.Taylor3@det.nsw.edu.au

Location: on the mezzainine level of the library.

Career Guidance: Myfuture is Australia’s career information & exploration service. Your son/daughter can find current career information, articles and links to thousands of resources to assist them on their career journey. Visit myfuture at www.myfuture.edu.au.

Useful Links: There are many other useful sites that provide valuable careers information. There is also some important information about career education opportunities at JFHS. Just click on the appropriate link below.