James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Year 7 English/History

Year 7 English/History

In Year 7 students undertake both English and History as a single combined subject. Students begin their Year 7 English studies by exploring the nature of storytelling around the world. Following this students learn about different forms of poetry and use this knowledge to create their own portfolio of original poetry. Students continue to immerse themselves in their English studies through a novel study of the text Stormbreaker, an exploration of how animation can be used to create interesting and engaging characters, and finally students complete their Year 7 English studies with an indepth exploration of the concept of 'survival'.

As part of the Year 7 History course, students begin by exploring what is history and why we explore our ancient past. Following this students undertake an in-depth study of the ancient civilisations of Egypt and China.

Year 7 English/History Teachers (2021) 

Mrs. Parrett/
Ms. Bertazzo
Ms. O'Rance Ms. Antill Ms. Antill Ms. Baldock Ms. Baldock/
Ms. Rowan/
Mr. Devaney

Unit Outline & Assessment Overview (2021)

Assessment Information. 

Assessment information for students in Year 7 will be provided to students in class and through the Compass learning portal. Students can also view the Year 7 Assessment Schedule by clicking here.

NESA Syllabus Information

Click here to access the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) English syllabus documentation.

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