James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Year 9 English

Year 9 English 

Year 9 start their studies with a unit focussing on persuasion. In this unit students learn about different techniques that we can use to be persuasive and practice writing persuasive texts in preparation for NAPLAN. Students continue their students by exploring Aboriginal issues and how these are represented in a range of texts. In addition, students complete a Wide Reading unit where they read a novel of their choice for pleasure. Additionally, students in Year 9 are introduced to Shakespeare, examine the power of graphic novels and explore the concept of future worlds to conclude their Year 9 studies.

Year 9 English Teachers (2021)

9ENG1  9ENG2  9ENG3  9ENG4  9ENG5
Ms. O'Rance Ms. Rowan Ms. Dominguez Mr. Devaney Mr. Heron

Unit Outline & Assessment Overview (2021)

Assessment Information 

Assessment information for students in Year 9 will be provided to students in class and through the Compass learning portal. Students can also view the Year 9 Assessment Schedule by clicking here.

NESA Syllabus Information 

Click here to access the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) English syllabus documentation.

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