James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Year 8 English

Year 8 English 

In Year 8 English students develop their understanding of how Australia is represented in poetry and in images. Students also study representations of heroes in a film text focussing on the concept of the hero's journey. In addition, students in Year 8 examine issues associated with being a teenager through the close study of a play. Students also develop their confidence as a reader in English, strengthening their intercultural capabilities by completing a close study of a novel with an Asian or Pacific Island focus. To complete their studies in Year 8, students explore the conventions of the horror genre by exploring and deconstructing a range of texts.

Year 8 English Teachers (2021)

Mr. Heron Mrs. Vigar Ms. O'Rance
/Mrs. Rowan
Mr Demarzo Ms. Antill

Unit Outline & Assessment Overview (2021)

Assessment Information

Assessment information for students in Year 8 will be provided to students in class and through the Compass learning portal. Students can also view the Year 8 Assessment Schedule by clicking here.

NESA Syllabus Information

Click here to access the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) English syllabus documentation.

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