James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Assessment and reporting

Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.

Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.

As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.

In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are assessed on achievement of competencies.


We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.

Years 7 – 10

From 2019, James Fallon HS will introduce a policy of ongoing reporting and feedback. The aim of this is to ensure that assessment and reporting assists in the learning of our students by giving them timely and valuable feedback so that they can achieve their best.

The following is an outline of the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders regarding assessment and reporting at James Fallon HS.

Student Responsibility:

Students will:

  • Complete all tasks on time and to the best of their ability so that an accurate assessment of their learning can be made.
  • utilise feedback to improve and enhance their learning opportunities.
  • communicate with teachers to identify specific strategies to improve learning outcomes.

 Teacher Responsibility:

Teachers will:

  • report to parents/carer/students utilising the Sentral Continuous Assessment function after each formal assessment task and a minimum of once per term (this report may be based on either formative or summative assessment).
  • provide feedback that is inclusive of any formal assessment tasks and, in the absence of such tasks, communicate about any formative assessment (i.e. class work).
  • utilise the feedback proforma as a guideline to ensure consistency of teacher practice.
  • adopt a professional tone when communicating with parents/carers/students.
  • provide feedback to parents/carers/students as soon as possible after completing the task.
  • complete a ‘check box’ style report twice a year to provide feedback on learning habits and attitudes as well as providing an overall grade (see schedule).
  • be available at Parent-Teacher Interviews to provide further detail about each child to parents.

 Year Advisor Responsibility:

Year Advisers will:

  • provide a written progress report at the end of the school year on each student whose parents/carers have chosen to opt-in and receive such a report (Term 4, Week 8)

Head Teacher Responsibility:

Head Teachers will:

  • monitor the process
  • support teachers to complete their reports to parents

 Parent/Carer Responsibility:

Parents/Carers will:

  • utilise the Parent Portal to stay informed about their child’s learning
  • discuss student feedback with their child
  • communicate any concerns with the appropriate teachers
  • attend parent teacher interviews to discuss student progress
  • Request a Year Advisor report if necessary

Years 11 & 12

(Refer also to Course Information Booklets for Years 11 & 12 and also Year 11 Course and HSC Assessment Guides. These are handed to students at the commencement of their courses and are available on the school website)

In Terms One, Two and Three of Year 11, students will study for, and be assessed on, the Higher School Certificate Year 11 Course. Assessment for the Year 11 Course at James Fallon High School directly reflects the NSW Education Standards Authority’s (NESA) requirements for Higher School Certificate Assessment. The school determines which students have satisfactorily met the requirements of the Year 11 Course on the basis of application, attendance and assessment.

Students are counselled and parents advised where students are considered to be at risk. Notification to parents is a Department requirement. At the end of Term Three, the Year 11 Course is examined.  Students will receive a report on their performance in the Year 11 Course.  It will detail both examination and assessment marks.

Students who have satisfactorily met the requirements of the Year 11 Course may proceed to the Higher School Certificate Course of study which commences in Term Four of Year 11. On commencing the Higher School Certificate Course in Term Four, students will be provided with an assessment policy and timetable prepared to meet the requirements for the award of a Higher School Certificate.

In Year 12, the Trial Higher School Certificate Course Examinations will take place in Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 2. Reports will be issued at the end of Term 1 and final reports at the end of Term 3.

Regular staff comment is sought on the progress of students at risk.  These students are counselled, and advised appropriately, by the Principal, Deputy Principals, Faculty Head Teacher and the Student Advisor.