We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.
We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:
- the behaviour code for students, which outlines the standards of behaviour expected in all NSW public schools
- anti-racism education
- anti-bullying programs
- conflict resolution and mediation training
- peer support
- road safety education
- the Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.
Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:
- school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
- supporting individual students who need help with health issues
- providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.
Student wellbeing
Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.
The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.
The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.
Behaviour Support and Management Plan
James Fallon High School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to be engaged in their learning.
Our goal is to inspire every child to participate positively in society. We focus on promoting excellence, opportunity and success for every student, every day. We value and strive to develop safe, respectful learners in a caring learning community.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
At our school, we use Positive Behaviour for Learning – a whole-school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate where students can learn and develop. Our whole school community works together to establish expected behaviours and teach them to all students.
PBL vision
Our James Fallon High School learning community aims to provide:
- A safe and caring environment inclusive of diversity, disadvantage or disability where all students achieve their personal best
- Opportunities for our students to become valued and responsible citizens who respect themselves and the community, and who can adapt to the challenges of a changing world.
James Fallon High School reward system
Students are recognised for demonstrating the values and expectations of our school ‘Respect, Responsibility and Achievement’. Students can achieve Merit Awards in four different areas;
- Faculty Merit Awards
- School Service Merit Awards
- School Representation Merit Awards
- School Culture Merit Awards
These merits are awarded throughout the year to students by teachers. Students are to take these to their Year Advisor. At the end of the year the accumulation of these awards will result in a:
- Bronze Certificate (10 – 14 merit awards)
- Silver Certificate (15 – 19 merit awards)
- Gold Certificate (20+ merit awards)
To achieve a Gold Certificate in years 9 or 10, students must have received a Merit Award in 3 out of 4 categories. These certificates will be presented at the semester 2 Formal Assembly.
Each certificate earns points; Bronze (1 point), Silver (2 points) and Gold (3 points). The accumulation of points is recognised with a:
- Principals Award (10 points)
- James Fallon High School Award (13 points)
These two prestigious awards will be presented to students at a special ceremony in Term 1 of each year. Parents/carers and special guests are welcomed.
School Assemblies & Recognition of Student Achievement
Weekly school assemblies
Full School Assemblies are held on Thursday in the main Quad. Students assemble in roll groups based on year groups.
Formal assemblies
A Formal Assembly for each form is held once a semester in the School Hall. At this assembly, student achievement is recognised and certificates are presented. Parents are invited to attend these ceremonies.
Year 12 graduation
Special Graduation Assemblies are held for students in Year 12 at the conclusion of their course of study at the end of Term 3.
Student leadership
Our students are encouraged and supported to immerse themselves in a wide range of leadership opportunities within the School and Local community. The major areas of Student Leadership at JFHS are:
Captains and prefects
Each year the staff and student body nominate and vote on which Year 12 students will represent the school as part of the Prefect group. From this group, Captains and Vice-Captains are elected.
The role of the Prefect group is to demonstrate leadership, represent the school across a variety of school and community events, and to promote a positive environment for the school.
House captains
At JFHS we have four House groups: Bass (blue), Cook (yellow), Flinders (green) and Tasman (red). Each student is allocated a House and is the base for their Rollcall and sporting House for School Carnivals.
The Student body votes in a Captain and Vice-Captain for each House. These Captains help organise and encourage students to participate in events at School Sporting Carnivals.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
The James Fallon High School Student Representative Council is a pro-active student body that aims to develop student leadership, encourage school spirit and promote James Fallon High School in the local community.
The Council meets every school day of each term during roll call. This allows the Council to discuss and deal with issues as they arise. Planning for school functions, sporting competitions, fund-raisers, leadership conferences/workshops and focus on State Student Representative Council recommendations is addressed.
Students from year 7 to 12 are encouraged to take on responsibilities for the promotion and execution of student initiated projects.
The Council has strong links with the Parents & Citizens group and is a dynamic part of the Albury District Student Representative Council.
Peer support
Moving from primary into secondary school represents an important change for students. Leaving the familiar and smaller primary school for a larger and unfamiliar secondary situation can be both exciting and a very real challenge for many students to negotiate successfully. The James Fallon High School Peer Support program is designed to help new students develop a strong sense of belonging and attachment to their new school setting. The program also seeks to develop resilience within students, as a way of helping them deal with many challenges they will face in school and in life.
Year 10 students are selected to become Peer Support Leaders through a rigorous process, and complete two days of training in Term 4. Peer Support is held once a week for six weeks in Term 1 or 2. Students participate in a range of modules, including anti-bullying, resilience and values.
The Peer Support Coordinator at James Fallon High School are Benton Lieschke and Cheryl Dominguez.
Discipline/Code of behaviour
Behaviour which does not reflect or adhere to the “Code of Behaviour” will be dealt with by one or more of the following consequences:
- Mediation by Class Teacher, Head Teacher, Student Advisor or Senior Executive
- Informing parents and negotiating appropriate consequences and support
- Detention
- Withdrawal of privileges
- Counselling by appropriate members of the Welfare Team
- Timeout provisions
- Withdrawal from normal school routine
- Monitoring of student or class behaviour using a Daily Report
- In School Suspension
- Completion of Individual Student Behaviour Modification Packages
- Alternative Special School placement
- Suspension from school
- Exclusion and negotiation of alternative school placement
- Recommendation for expulsion to The Director General of School Education.
Behaviour investment
The aim of JFHS is to provide a learning environment that teaches young people to behave appropriately in a number of settings.
It is imperative that young people are explicitly taught what good behaviour is, and what this looks like. Our staff take care to use positive strategies to teach good behaviour, and at all times work to model positive behaviour in their workplace.
Discipline is managed according to Department of Education Policy and Procedures. There are a series of core rules in the Department’s Student Behaviour Code. This can be found on the Departments Website:
Inappropriate behaviours and actions result in students placed on a Level. Consequences are outlined below.
Level 5 – All students start at this Level at the beginning of each academic year.
Level 6 – Parents/carers are informed via a letter, student is interviewed by Year Advisor.
Level 7 – Parents/carers are informed via a letter. A weekly monitoring card is issued to the student. This card is the responsibility of the student. It has to be presented to the classroom teacher at the beginning of each class and collected after the teacher has signed/commented. The card is to be returned to the Year Advisor each day.
Level 8 – Parents/carers are informed via a letter. A restorative justice approach is implemented and students are interviewed by a senior member of the school Executive member or Year Advisor. Students are to complete a ‘reflection journal’. This enables students to focus on the needs of others and themselves and the effect of their behaviours on the school community. Students select a mentor staff member that monitors the journal and their behaviour for a week.
Level 9 – Parents/carers are informed via a letter. Students are interviewed by a senior member of the school Executive and students receive a formal verbal warning of suspension if inappropriate behaviour continues.
Level 10 – Students are suspended from school for a designated time period. Parents are informed. Students return to school after a post suspension meeting with a senior member of the Executive. Students return to Level 8 and are to complete a ‘reflection journal’ whilst on suspension.
The behaviour level system is reviewed each week by the Wellbeing Committee. It is a continuum hence students remain on each level for a week. If appropriate behaviour choices are demonstrated by the student, he or she progresses to the higher Level towards 5. If inappropriate behaviours are still being demonstrated, the student remains on the level or progresses down level(s) towards Level 10.
To view our uniform options or learn more about our uniform policy click here.
Mobile Devices Policy
Students phones are to be locked in a yondr pouch at the start of every school day and then unlocked at the end of every school day. For more information on Our Mobile Phone policy Click here.
Student Support
Year advisors and guidance lessons
An important element of the Student Welfare program at James Fallon High School is the Guidance lesson during which Student Advisors in years 7 – 10 meet with each class in the year, once each two weeks. This lesson provides an excellent opportunity for pastoral care as well as organisational concerns.
School counsellor
Each state school in NSW has access to School Counsellors who are registered psychologists and experienced teachers. Appointments can be made by contacting the school number.
The broad focus areas for school counsellors are:
- interviewing/ counselling / consulting
- whole school/ student welfare initiatives
- assessment
- case work/ information gathering
- liaison with other agencies
Students are referred to the counsellors by various avenues:
- self referrals
- parents
- staff members
- welfare committee
- fellow students
Student Support Officer (SSO)
The role of the SSO at JFHS is to promote healthy living and the wellbeing for the students in our school. Our SSO is: Miss Kaylin Walford.
The SSO support students in a wide range of ways such as;
- Coaching student’s to build positive and respectful relationships.
- Encouraging the safe and responsible use of phones and social networks.
- Implementing strategies to allow students to improve self-esteem and motivation.
- Helping primary students and those returning to school have a smooth transition.
- Working with students and their families to promote positive and effective relationships.
- Initiating a mentor program for our students. This may include mentoring practices such as participation in ‘a day in the life of a university student’ or perhaps being a tradesman for the day.
- Liaising with agencies in the area to gain insight into issues that may affect today’s young people.
- Sharing with students various stress reduction techniques.
- Promoting conflict resolution strategies through ways such as peer mediation.
- Providing pre-exam study and organisation methods.
- Working with various employment agencies within Albury-Wodonga and the Riverina as well as supporting our school career advisor Mr Hamish Taylor to enhance the transition from high school to the workforce or tertiary studies.
School support dog – Fallon
Our school community is very fortunate to have a school therapy dog, Fallon, a gift from the HSC class of 2017. Fallon is supported by Mrs Mel Robinson as his 'parent'.
He is a wonderful addition to our school. He has his own Instagram page: fallon_from_fallon.
Anti-Racism policy
At JFHS we take the act of racism very seriously and strictly follow the Department of Education Anti-Racism Policy.
The Department rejects all forms of racism. It is committed to the elimination of racial discrimination in all aspects of the learning and working environment. All teaching and non-teaching staff contribute to the eradication of racism by promoting acceptance of Australia’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity, challenging prejudiced attitudes and ensuring that sanctions are applied against racist and discriminatory behaviours.
Schools have trained Anti-Racism Contact Officers (ARCOs) and provide timely and professional responses to complaints regarding racism.
Breakfast club
JFHS Staff and the Prefect body work together to run a breakfast club each morning. Students have the choice of foods such as cereal, yoghurt, toast/toasted sandwiches, muffins, fruit, muesli bars, milk and juice.
Students are encouraged to make themselves lunch or take a snack for morning tea. Breakfast Club also allows students to sit and interact with their peers, teachers and the School Leadership group.
Breakfast Club runs in the Big picture Area from 8:15am – 8:45 am Monday to Friday except Friday B week.
Student medical and contact information
At the commencement of a new year, students are issued blank information cards that parents/guardians are required to fill out. The information required on these cards includes:
- Full student name, year, roll class, date of birth
- Address
- Parent contact details and email
- Emergency contact
- Father and mother workplace information
- Medical conditions
- Signatures to give the school permission to:
- Call an ambulance if required for your child
- Call a doctor if needed
- Allow the child to participate in all school carnivals and weekly sport
- Allow the child to travel to sporting venues
- Allow the child to participate in swimming programs
- Use photographs of your child to be used by the media (newspaper, school newsletter, school Facebook page, T.V. news, DEC related promotions etc) to promote student achievement.
Students requiring medication at school
Should a student require oral medication during the day medication must be supplied in original packaging and relevant forms completed and left with the School Administrative Assistants. Please give your child clear instructions to report to the School Office at the correct time.
In cases of anaphylaxis, asthma and severe allergy an action plan must be completed by a doctor and given to the front office staff to discuss further requirements.
Attendance policy and procedures
Under the Education and Public Instruction Act 1987 NSW parents and guardians have a LEGAL responsibility to ensure the regular attendance at school of their children aged between 6 and 17 years. Children within this age group must attend school every day. The Act also specifies that absences must be explained in writing within seven (7) days of the occurrence.
It is expected that all students will attend school as regularly as possible. Attendance rates of below 85% (example seven days absence in one term) will be followed up by Year Advisors. Year Advisors will also contact home after three days of unexplained absences. If a student is absent for three or more days the parents should contact the school on 02 6025 1688 to explain the reasons for absence. Extended absences for illness or family commitments should be discussed with the Principal.
A note is required explaining each absence. This is to be brought in to the roll call teacher on the day the student returns to school. A parent or guardian may explain an absence to the front office via a phone call or face to face message, but a written explanation still needs to be provided after this to confirm the absence reason. This is a legal requirement.
The note should contain the following information.
- Student’s name (clearly printed)
- Year level (example Year 8)
- Roll Class
- Date/s of absence/s
- Reason for absence
Senior student absences
The same procedures apply to senior students. However, where an absence immediately precedes or coincides with an Assessment Task, Senior Assessment conditions apply. These conditions are detailed in the Senior Students Assessment Booklet.
Arriving late to school
School begins at 9.00am each day. If students are late arriving to school then they are to sign in at the front office, where they will be given a slip to take to class and show to their teacher. Late arrival is to be explained by the parent or guardian with a written note, or verbally if escorting students to the school after school has begun. Unexplained late arrivals will be followed up by the Deputy Principal and recorded as truancy.
Leaving school early
Students are required to attend school until 3:24pm (3:08pm on Thursdays – Sports Day). Students may leave school early for legitimate reasons eg. a doctor’s appointment, but they must sign out at the front office and get a slip to excuse them from class before the end of Recess 1. Parents may also sign their child out at the front office in person. Students will not be permitted to sign out early without a legitimate reason.
All students MUST attend all classes during the day. Students who truant from class will be interviewed by the Deputy Principal and parents will be contacted. Refer to behaviour management section of this booklet.
Unexplained late arrival or absences SMS messages and e-mails
All parents will be able to access messages via the Compass Parent Portal App regarding their child if they arrive late to school or are absent from school and the office has not received any notification from the parent/guardian. If your child is going to be late to school, please send a note with your child or please contact our office to explain their late arrival. We ask that if your child will be absent from school that you contact our office on 02 6025 1688 in the morning to explain why the student is absent.
School leaving age and leaving procedures
All students must complete Year 10. After Year 10 and until they turn 17, students must be:
- in school, or registered for homeschooling, or
- in approved education or training (eg. TAFE, traineeship, apprenticeship) or
- in full-time, paid employment (average 25 hours/week) or
- in a combination of work, education and/or training.
If a student is to leave James Fallon High to attend another school or to seek employment, he/she must first bring a note from their parent or guardian and complete a Clearance Form obtained from the School Office. A School Reference or Transfer Certificate will not be issued before this form is completed and all equipment and books returned and financial obligations finalised and signed off.