James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Principal's welcome

Welcome to James Fallon High School. It is my privilege to be providing the welcome to our website, as current Principal of this fine school.

James Fallon High School is a comprehensive high school catering for a wide range of interests and abilities with a commitment to serve both its students and the wider community.

The school has as its central concern the achievement of excellence in a rich diversity of academic, social, cultural and sporting pursuits. To achieve, students are encouraged to avail themselves of the many opportunities the school provides, including a learning and physical environment in which high standards of achievement can flourish.

The performing arts program at James Fallon High School has a long tradition of success, as exemplified by awards in the Wakakirri competition and acknowledgement both locally and state-wide in producing musicals and the creative and digital arts. Opportunities exist beyond the classroom in which students are able to develop leadership and academic skills, such as the Bush Tukka hospitality program for Indigenous students and the successful Café J, a curriculum-based retail operation run out of one of the many Trade Training facilities.

James Fallon High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School and has as its main values: Respect, Responsibility and Achievement. Our school motto is “Together we succeed”.

The school possesses strengths in the areas of collaborative professional learning, strategic partnerships within the Albury educational community, and support for student learning. The staff possess a broad range of experiences and skills, and are enthusiastic about authentic school innovation to improve learning outcomes for students.  The school has a supportive learning community, The Northern Spirit Learning Community, and an active and involved Parents & Citizens’ Association.

If you have any questions or seek further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jennifer Parrett