James Fallon High School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 6025 1688


Year 6 to 7 Transition Program

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Transition Program

The process of making the transition from primary to high school is one that is taken most seriously at James Fallon High School. Gone are the days when students might have done a tour through their local high school, then walked in the next year and be seated into classes. It has been proven by extensive research that a successful transition program is of enormous benefit to students, which has flow on effects for their entire school career.

James Fallon High School (JFHS) is significantly advantaged by being part of a strong and positive learning community – the Northern Spirit Learning Community. Comprising of James Fallon and partner schools Albury North Public School, Gerogery Public School, Glenroy Public School, Hume Public School, Table Top Public School and Thurgoona Public School. This group works together extensively to provide maximum opportunities for all of its 1700 students.

By the time our students enter the school gates with their families in Year 7, they are extremely well prepared for the next natural stage in their school lives. They are well supported by their Year Advisor, who has regular timetabled periods with them each fortnight, and there are many “getting to know you” activities, including Term 1 aquatics for sport.

The strength of these programs is enhanced by the strong parent partnerships we have in our school. Families are such an important part of the process of school education in any year. Ignore the so-called high school “cool factor” and remain involved in the school lives of your children. If there are any concerns or questions at any time, families are welcome to contact the school. Furthermore, the friendships that families form with each other become a lasting feature of JFHS, and are a very positive part of our school community.

2026 Year 7 Transition Program